Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Ghost Patient (Vampire Knight fanfic)

Disclaimer: Vampire Knight, Zero, and Yuuki all belong to Matsuri Hino, not me. If Zero and Yuuki belonged to me, they would already be officially canon, and Vampire Knight would have to become an M-rated manga. xD  Graphic does not belong to me either.


Her skin had grown paler since the last time he saw her. He could barely see her amongst the sheets. The faint moonlight that managed to squeeze past the curtains was darker than she was, more tangible, and he wished he could touch her. Wished he could help her somehow.

"She won't move," the maid whispered behind him; she turned away before he could meet her gaze and pretended to attend to the pile of sheets, daily laundry for the ghost patient.

In the tomb-like room, there was no space for breathing. It was static and suffocating, a thick black mass of dust settled into a neat, complacent pile, content to wait for another century.

Tangling with the sheets. She was skeletal and so far gone he could barely tell she was there among them; a faint outline of the vibrant creature he'd once known.

He turned away as well, lowering his gaze to the floor, respect for the dead; not for the bastardly king but for his faint queen that had died somewhere amongst the sheets and the months since her capturer had gone.

Zero would never be a savior.

He pressed a knee against the bed and watched her through his bangs, a quiet contemplative expression on his face. Just watching, waiting. He stayed there for days. The maids didn't bother him; left a bottle of pills at the door with a glass of water, changed every six hours.

They remained untouched.


Yuuki stared vacantly at the wall across from her. Her eyes echoed her feelings, revealing a reflection of a girl she barely knew; faded and tired and dead. A stringy mass hung limply over her shoulders, tangling with the sheets; her skin was paler than the moonlight that cut past the curtains into the dusty tomb-like room, static air breathing nothing for no one.


A/N: I'm super nice and friendly and I love hearing from you guys, so please drop a line and tell me what you think! :D


  1. Oooo Esther you've got me intrigued :) Can't wait for more!! :D

  2. Thanks xD It's a one-shot though~! (atm)
